Monday 9 April 2012

Week 8 Movie Making

1. Describe the assignment given?
         The assignment given was to create a short two minute experimental movie to learn how to make a movie using a flip camera and using the i-mac program. Mr. Jenkins had given us two weeks to do the  movie since it is a Spring Break. We were four in a group, and Alvin lead the group in doing the script while Sonny, Joan, and I became the actors in the short movie about Remote Control Classroom management.
2. Describe the challenges of working with the flip cam in creating your experiments. What went well? What were the challenges.The flip camera was very useful for this short project in creating this short movie.The experimental movie making became successful with lots of work of Alvin and Joan. I like the Mac computer program but my pocket is not ready yet. Maybe, sometimes in the future, I will used the Mac computer if budget will allow me to do so. Everything went well, and the graphics are very much more impressive than using the personal computers. I like to have that program in my next project personally. I tried to use my personal computer is creating a movie, and it took me about 90 minutes to save a 1.89 gigabyte movie this afternoon. That is the drawback of using a personal computer.
3. What features did you use to enhance your i-movie and would you have done anything differently?
As compared to my personal computer, Mac computers have more selections with camera tricks and very easy to manage in editing the videos. The financial side is always the key answer if our school will go ahead with a Mac.
4. Rate i-movie software 1-10. Why?
From a rate of 1- 10, I will rate Mac as 10 points since Mac computers are very easy to use and it is user friendly.
Again, if I have an extra budget next time, I will purchase a Mac computer for my personal and school use.
5. How would you use i-movie and flip cam in your future classroom/ Explain.
Just Mr. Khan is using the computer in Khan Academy website, Mac computers are very easy to be used by the presenter and very convenient to the user to add and delete computer programs. The Mac picture shot is very much convenient to use not like my personal computers. Sometimes, the picture in blog is distorted if the picture shot is coming from the Mac computer.

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